
Finally, its here...!!

Hello Friends and my dear baby, I know I am late in announcing this to my blog but there were certain other things in my priority list that had to be completed. So, finally, its here, my baby is at my home. It all happened on 19th Dec '11 at 9:25 PM when finally the wait was over and I got a first glimpse of my baby. After all the wait for almost nine months and much of anticipation, I had finally got hold of my baby, my Nonu, my little champ. I was so much excited when I heard the doctor say that its a "boy". It was a wish fulfilled, not for me but for my wife who was so eager to have a baby boy. Now, is time to say thank you to the almighty and I have pledged to go this year to thank the god for granting us our wish. There were so many things that had happened on the eventful day of 19th Dec. Earlier, on 17th Dec, when my wife had her usual visit, she was asked to have a ultrasound scan as she felt that the water level is not up to the mark. We immediately went

Countdown begins...16 days to go

Hello Nonu, Now, you are just 16 days away from the day when I will be holding you on my palms. What a great feeling it will be then! Isn't it? Me and your mother are really getting rejuvenated and excited when we think of that day. Now, its the time that we have been waiting for so long, almost nine months, to hold you on our palms. Soon, the day will arrive and you will be here with us and who knows you might even come on 25th i.e. the Christmas day. Your mother is really getting nervous and jittery when she thinks about the day of her delivery but I am trying to calm her down that everything will be fine because you haven't given us trouble so far and you wont do it then either. Isnt it, baby. I really feel excited when I feel you on your mother's belly and I do not know how will I feel when you will be in my palms. I dont really know whether you will be a boy or a girl but whatever will it be, I just want you and your mother to be absolutely fine. Though, your mother

The Countdown begins: 7 weeks to go!

Hello Nonu, How are you my dear child? Hope you are doing fine in your mother's womb. Isn't it? The countdown has already begun and you are just 7 weeks to come outside your mother's womb as your mom is already 33 weeks pregnant! I know you have started to look a little uncomfortable as you are growing more. Last night and today morning, I could also sense some activity from you inside your mother's womb. But don't you worry my child, its just a matter of days when you will be out in this world. In few weeks from now, you will also see how this world looks like. You know what! The preparations have started in full swing to welcome you in our house. Your grandma is already on its verge to complete a sweater for you to protect you from the immense cold. She and your mom have also bought a mattress for you in which you will be sleeping. And this is not it, everyone in our family is ready to share each and every thing for you whether it is clothes, nappies,

Your mother is 29 weeks pregnant

Hi Nonu, How are your my child? I know I'm writing after a long time since the last time I had written to you but I don't know why I have become so lazy. This is maybe due to the festive season or don't know what is the reason. Nevertheless, you know're mother is now "29 weeks pregnant ". I can see the glow in her face now and how desperate she is now to bring you out in this world. Last weekend was quite hectic as your nanu and nani had come here along wth your khillo mausi.. :)..Yes, khillo, thats her pet name but her  real name is Pragati. Didn't I introduce you to her. Oh, its my mistake then. In fact, I didnt introduce you to any member of the family. You will come to know of them once you will come out in this world. Anyways, so where were we? Yes, last weekend, it was mother's godhbarai ceremony where all of our relatives were present in our home from your mama-dadu/dadi to jharna mausi/rohit mausa, both the tauji/taiji's, a
Hi Nonu, I know that I am late this week as I should have written about you few days before only but just couldn't find enough time to write. So, your mother is now 25 weeks pregnant. As I was reading the email alert, you have become far more responsive to the touch now. I can feel your kicks from inside your mother's belly. I know you must be feeling a little uncomfortable as you are growing old and at times you may want to come out as soon as possible. I am too desperate enough to hold you in my arms. before I move on, here are some basic fact about you:  Your  eyelids will open around now too and your heart is beating so strongly now that Dr Aunt can hear with just a stethoscope.  As you are growing, your mother is also starting to feel some aches and pains as her body adjusts to accommodate you. Even her center of gravity changes along with her body shape. So, that is the reason why, we made an appointment with the Psychotherapist aunt and she have recommended few e
Hi Nonu, your mother and my wife is now 24 weeks pregnant. Thats great news, isnt it? Now, you're just few months away when I will hold you on my palms. So, how are you feeling my baby. I know your mother is also feeling the same and she must be feeling more excited than me as shes been holding you for so long now. Now, I realize how difficult it is for a mother to hold a baby inside her. I also realize now how difficult it must have been for your grandmother and my mother to cope up with this stress. Anyways, on a happy note, you will be here with us in our family in few months from now. You know what, I again received an email alert from, and it provided few interesting things about you. Let me quote those to you. According to, you are still on the skinny side with no body fat, but your brain is growing rapidly and starting to fill the space in your mother's uterus. By now, your mother is starting to take a definite "pregnant" shape

My wife is 23 weeks pregnant

Great news! My wife is 23 weeks pregnant now. As days pass by, I am overwhelmed and excited, and at the same time nervous too. My wife especially is getting nightmares about what will happen on that day. Many of my friends believe it's natural though that she is feeling this way. In the days to come, she will feel more pain but the gift that will be brought to us will remove all the pain. I have started counting on my fingers and am waiting eagerly for the day to come when I will be holding the little one on my palms. I can't even imagine how the day will be like. My wife feel so excited whenever the baby kicks her from inside, and then immediately puts my hand over her belly to feel the movements of the baby. It feels so fascinating and exciting to feel the movements of the baby. Recently, I received an weekly alert from and it said that the baby is now able to hear the music and make us feel sway, since his hearing and sense of movement are now well developed